Araştırmacılarımızın 9. Uluslararası BAU İlaç Tasarım Konferansı için gönderdikleri özetler poster sunumu için kabul edilmiştir.
Başlık: Preparation and Characterization of Salinomycin-Loaded Boron-Doped Mesoporous Bioactive Glass Nanoparticles as an Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery System, Hatice KURNAZ, Melike GÜNEY AKKURT, Murat KAZANCI
Özet: This study aims to characterize Boron-doped Mesoporous Bioactive Glass (B-MBG) drug delivery system for salinomycin delivery to cancer cells. B-MBG nanoparticles possess desirable properties for drug delivery due to their small size and porous structure, while boron, a trace element, is known for its significance in various biological processes.